Did you know that you can double your gift to support PACE at Wellington?
To learn more about matching gifts please contact your personnel or human resources department. Matching programs vary so check for specifics. This is not a complete list, ask your company’s Human Resources department to find out if a matching gift program exists and what is needed to match.
Abobe Systems | Corbis | Lake Partners | Safeway |
Aetna | Cornerstone Advisors | LandAmerica | Sallie Mae Fund |
AIG | Costco | Lease Crutcher Lewis | SaltChuk Resources, Inc. |
Alaska Airlines | Cynrad | Lehman Brothers | San Aventis |
Alliance Bernstein | Davidson Companies | Lexis Nexis | San Mar Corporation |
AlliedSignal | Dorsey & Whitney Foundation | Liberty Mutual | SAP |
Allstate | Dunn and Bradstreet | Lilyblad Petroleum | Sara Lee |
American Express Co. | Ericcson | Lucent Technologies | Schaefer Engineering Corp. |
Amgen Foundation | Evergreen Pharmaceutical | Macy’s | Seattle Northwest Securities |
AON Foundation | Evergreen Washelli | Manulife Financial | Serials Solution |
Apex Foundation | Expedia | Marsh, Inc. | Siemens |
Apple Computer, Inc. | Exxon Corporation | Mass Mutual | Six Flags |
ARCO | Farmers New World Life | Mattel | Sonus Pharmaceuticals |
AT & T | Federated Group | Mayflower Park Hotel | Sound Ventures Inc. |
Attachmate | Ferguson Property Management | Mazda | Sprint |
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. | First Horizon National | McKinstry Company | Stafford Frey Cooper |
Avaya | FM Global | Medtronic | Starbucks Coffee Company |
Aventis | Frank Russell Company | Merck | Statprobe Inc. |
AXA Foundation | Frontier Geosciences | Merrill Lynch | Stellent, Inc. |
Banana Republic | General Electric Company | Metropolitan | Stokes Lawrence |
Bank of America | General Reinsurance | Microsoft Corporation | Sullivan Payne |
Bankers Trust Corp. | Georgia-Pacific Corporation | Milgard | Summerville Steel |
Barker Martin | GlaxoSmithKline | Momentum Distribution | Summit Law Group |
Baxter Corporation | GMAC | Morton, Clark, Fu & Metcalf | Sun Microsystems |
Bemis Co. | Goldman, Sachs & Co | National Frozen Foods | Super Valu |
Bentall | National Insurance Enterprises | Sussman Family Foundation | |
BGI Group | Gordon Derr | NCR | Symantec |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Grainger | Nike | Symetra |
Boeing Employees Credit Union | GRE | Nintendo | Tetra Tech EM Inc. |
Boullioun Aviation | Green Point Foundation | North Coast Mortgage | That Patchwork Place |
Brighton Jones | Harris Bank, The | Northwest Federal | The Gap |
Brinks Home Security | Hewlett Packard | Novar Controls | Thrivent Financial for Lutherans |
Brown & Brown | Home Depot | Oracle | Tiffany and Company |
Bullitt Foundation, The | Honeywell | Pacific Development | Transamerica |
Burlington Resources | Household International | Pepsi Co. | Union Bank of California |
CA, Inc. | Houston General Insurance | Perkins Coie | United Airlines |
Calibear Inspectors | Hyperion Solutions | Pfizer Foundation | United Parcel Service |
Canlis | IBM | Phillip Morris Companies | Universal Music Group |
Canon | IDS Financial Services | Piper Jaffray | Urbantrans Consultants |
Capital Access | Implement.com | Pistol Creek Financial Co. | US Bank |
Capital Alliance | Infospace | Precor | USA Interactive |
Carney Badley Spellman | ING | Progressive Insurance Foundation | USAA |
Cascade | Inslee, Best, Doezie & Ryer PS | Prudential Financial | Veritas |
Catalysis Corporation | Intel Corporation | Puget Sound Energy | Verizon |
Charles Schwab | Interactive Corp (ICA | Pugh Capital Management | Visio |
Chicago Title Insurance Co. | JBT Corporation | Pyramid Brewery | Washington Dental Service |
Choice Hotels | John Hancock | Quadrant Corp. | Washington State Physicians |
Christensen O’Connor Johnson | Johnson & Johnson | Qualstar | Wasser Inc. |
Chubb & Sons | Jones Lang LaSalle | Quellos Group LLC | Waste Management Inc. |
CIGNA Corporation | JP Morgan Chase | R.U.S.A. (Rolex) | Westin Hotels |
Cisco | Kennedy Assoc. Real Estate | RBC Dain Rauscher | William H. Gates Investment Co. |
Citigro | Key Bank | Readers Digest | Williams Kastner & Gibbs |
City of Seattle | Kibble & Prentice Holding Co. | Real Networks | Wright Runstad |
Clothier & Head | Kimberly-Clark | Redwoods Group | Xerox |
Coca Cola | KIRO | Regence Blue Shield | Yahoo! |
Codesic Consulting | Kraft Foods | Riddell Williams | Zevenbergen Capital Inc. |
Commonwealth Insurance | Lahive and Cockfield LLP | Russell | Zones |
Conner Homes Company | Safeco | Zymogenetics |